Saturday, February 8, 2014


Tuesday, February 12, 2013
January 8 2013 This was the second time we hung out afterschool.
I watched Les Misérables with Sofia and everyone the previous week and loved it so much, I had to see it again! So my mom planned for us to watch it and she said, "Hey, you should invite your boyfriend, Austin!"
And the everyday assumption got my everyday reply, "He's not my boyfriend."
But I thought, hey, he might like it! I should invite him!
So I did, but there was a problem: The movie starts at 2:30.
Two problems:
We get out at 2:10 & don't actually end up at the tennis court until 2:15-20.
My mom is late for everything.. so we would be late no matter what.

So we take off and my mother has a huge bag full of snacks.. including a chicken bake. "I know my babygirl gets hungry after school!" I was so embarrased.. my mother would be this way of course.
We arrived ten minutes late, I rushed so I accidently bought one more ticket than needed.
We arrived three songs into the movie.
The whole time I was half paying attention to the movie, and half freaking out that we were touching elbows. 
When the movie ended, you watched my happy face watching the credits and I looked back at you and asked if you liked it and you said it was good!
So my mom drops you off and gave you a tour of Lodi.
Later on, we agreed that we need a Movie Day.
That movie day became Movie Days.

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