Saturday, February 8, 2014


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Rewind to the Day Of (the read confession letters)

It was the last day of 2nd quarter, and the beginning of our two week Winter Break. I invited him the night before if he would like to come with me and my friends to Velvet Grill after school.
- It was a total, last minute thing, (I texted him at ten or midnight.. I don't remember, hopefully it was ten!)
"Hey, I know this is last minute, but me and a bunch of friends are going to Velvet Grill, I thought of inviting you!"
"Hey, I would love to, but I don't think I am allowed to go out at this time." (11pm)
"I meant tomorrow after school, haha!"
"Oh! Then of course!"
After school on The Day Of, the weather decided to be funny and rained. I believed he wasn't even going to come, because who would enjoy walking in the rain for five-ten minutes? So I was there with my friends at the tennis court then they all looked behind me and I turned around and there he was. He was looking so handsome in his black coat. My breathing caught for a moment. (Again, ultra-cheesy.. but so true.) We hugged and then started walking. It was bliss.. not one moment was awkward! Even today, if there's any silence between us, it's peaceful silence. We went to Velvet Grill and there was Amanda, Andrea, Deyra, Patricia, Izzy and Sofia. Alani came as well! It was pretty, well, fun, and embarrassing. Just picture this: Izzy putting all of our forks and spoons into an apple. Totally normal if you are friends with Izzy, but well, I was slightly embarrassed of how strange my friends are. But, hey! No awkward moments! We were waiting for our food and I was looking through Sofia's iPhone and we brought up the topic of Tumblr and I just opened up my blog and showed it to him! Then Sofia nudged me. "Miranda. your posts. ...Posts. Letters!!"  Then I finally understood and turned a violent shade of red and silently freaked out. Sofia pretended that she had a text so they handed it back to her three minutes later. Nothing showed on his face if he ever saw it, but I was still freaking out. But anyways.. it was all fun, then everyone left until it was just Sofia, Alani, Austin & I. Then Aus said he needed to go, he was going to see a movie with his friends. He left so quickly and without a hug, as normally. I was so sad, I seriously believed he saw my post and ran off.

The Night Of

"Hey Mir, what's your URL?"
I panicked. I was out on the road, with no computer around, hours away from home.
Then I texted Sofia in a panic: "He asked for my URL! What do I do?"
Then she told me to just delete the posts.. and I gave myself a slap in the face duh, why didn't I think of that? So then I grabbed my mother's iPhone and deleted all of the posts, not the tab on the top. Meaning, I had individual text posts for each letter, but later put them all on one page. I deleted the individual posts, then. Then I gave him the address, hoping he won't see my page.
"I read them all. 1,2,3.. all of them."
"..I read them the very day I asked for your URL."

This made me a little upset. The very day he read them. He never told me that he read them for a whole week and a half. So all of those "what if he read it" paranormal thoughts of mine were true. I thought of it as him using that as an advantage. (Which he totally did. He admitted that to me.) It was unfair, but I somewhat got over it.

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