Saturday, February 8, 2014


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Well, you came back from Mexico and you were getting Montezuma's Revenge. (That's what they call it.. or Traveler's Belly.)

When you were telling me that you were getting sick I was literally about to grab the car and drive up there and just be there to help you get better. But my mom kind of sensed it and told me I would get really ill if I did.

See, If I were your girlfriend, I kind of have permission to do these things. Like how your brother's girlfriend went over and helped him when he had that sickness. I would just lay with you, rub your back, make you soup and just help you.

And you know what's crazy? I have a huge phobia of vomit. I have no idea why, it's just how I am. But I would positively be there holding a bucket or just rubbing your back when it happens. It's crazy, but I 100% would. I would get dizzy and possibly faint but I would go through that for you. You bet I would.

You think I'm just being dramatic, nope. I mean every single word in this depressing blog.

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