Saturday, February 8, 2014


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So today was interesting.

My fury simmered down by the time lunch came around. I just felt exhausted and I needed closure.

So at lunch I went up to Sharon and said, "hey can we talk?" Then we stepped outside away from the death stares I was was getting. Like I said, the number of friends I have have been decreasing. Anyway.

We went outside the cafeteria and I said "I heard that you found out about Friday and you were kind of telling people." Sharon told me she didn't have any idea about what I was talking about. (Which put me on guard cause if she didn't know then how does Izzy know and why did she tell Sofia that Sharon told her?) so I just let that slide cause I don't want any drama anymore.

Then I told her how I felt about you and what I'm going through.

I told her I knew she liked you.. And that I wanted for her and you to be happy even if that results in me being unhappy.

She admitted she liked you but she kept putting herself down. She was saying that she liked you since 8th grade but she liked you from a distance. She said she have 'just started to get to you these past two years because you are in her classes. She told me to 'not even worry about anything happening.'

It made me kind of sad. Because if you like her and if she likes you, I don't want me, the burden, to stop you guys. I mean, I'll be heartbroken but that is just me. I don't want to make Sharon to block her feeling because of me. I don't want you or her to be unhappy because of me.

I told her this.

Anyways, she asked me if I would be okay if anything even happens and I told her I will be hurt.. But like I said, I don't want to stop her. Then she said that if I wasn't okay with it she wouldn't attempt to go with you. Which was sweet.

I also told her that even if I don't mind, I would be upset because if they dated during high school because you personally told me that he didn't want to date until college. It would be a stab in the back.

But yeah. All in all, I'll live. I have gotten used to it.

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