Saturday, February 8, 2014


Monday, February 11, 2013

Rewind to Freshman Year I honestly do not remember how I started talking to you. But I know it was in the greatest class ever: Mr. Bui's earth science class. But somewhere in between the first day and second quarter something happened. If you remember, please let me know.. this elephant can't remember entirely everything.
But the farthest memory I can recieve from Tokay is just always coming in from Photo class and giving you my fresh prints. You were always the first person to see them! You were the first person to ever love my photography. You were basically the only reason I continued photography and pursued it! I remember you telling me that I am the reason you started photography and I inspired you. Now look at you, taking Introduction to Photography class.. the class I once loved so much.

I really do hope you enjoy it.

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