Saturday, February 8, 2014


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So, you guys are dating now.
Cried during the duration of winter break.
Then I was fine,
Then school happened and I saw you guys.
I felt like stone.
Yesterday (a day after) you practically made a wedding announcement during 6th period: "I have a girlfriend. Sharon Marie-King." 
That's when I lost it after school.

It's hard trying to look strong.
I try walking with my head up high during school.
I try smiling.
I do.
And it works. People believe I'm actually okay after all of the bullcrap you fed me.

That same day my purse was lost and that's when I realized my USBs were way more important to me than you. For I was more upset about that..
So that helped a little, mentally.

I'm honestly just pissed. Saying you wanted to not date until you settled down, had your own place, for you wanted to have the comfort of being together in your own home.

You could've said "no Miranda, I don't like you in that way."
Then I would've got over it by two months, tops.
But no. "I don't want to date, yet."

Why I'm most upset, is the fact that you said "I was never interested in Miranda." (But her love for me is so entertaining I kept her on my shelf.)

Whatever, Austin. 
Just know that I feel like crap whenever I see you and everyone can see it.
 I've been getting looks all day yesterday.
They can see it.
Because you two are the new piece of entertainment in school, I'm old news.

I wish you two the very best of the last four months of high school.

Stop feeling sorry for me. I do enough of that on my own. 

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