Saturday, February 8, 2014


Saturday, November 16, 2013

So, the party happened. I dressed up a little extra because I knew you were going to be there. I felt pretty for the first in a long time. Then you walked in, I stood as a rock as it seemed like my heart just dropped. You looked so handsome. You never saw me standing there.
My friend Ness slightly nudged me and said, "Miranda, stop it." 
You would think I would've swooned, which I did. But now whenever I think of you my head insults and scolds me. So I disguise love as hate. Apparently that was transparent.
I feel better as the party goes on, and thirty minutes passed before you acknowledge me. You came up to the table, said hello. I automatically became an extreme dork. Saying my mask was too small and said "see?" I smiled and the mask moved up. Sofia and Chio sensed the humility and said that we should go to the photo booth. So we did.
Then later on I heard loud music from the garage.. And all the teens went in there. My friends dragged me in there and I felt self conscious and awkward as usual. I loosened up, I actually danced in front of people. Something I haven't done since freshman year. 
My stomach plummeted when I saw you slow dance with someone.. My friends must've knew and was trying to lighten me up by goofily slow dancing with me. I left after a song and went outside for a breath.
I saw Matt huddled with his friends, animatedly talking in hushed tones. I come in all jolly saying "what's up? What are all of you talking about?" Matt excitedly replied that you were flirting with him. Like holding his hand a bit too long, asking him to dance. I played it off, laughing a bit.. Then I told them I had to go. I went straight to Sofia and told her. "I knew about that." "Why wouldn't you tell me?!" she shrugged and saw me frantically trying to stay cool. I ran to Izzy's room and just sat there, just trying to figure out what the heck just happened. Sofia came in and gave me that I'm sorry look and I lost it. I started crying, saying I'm stupid for even hoping that I'm angry at you for not even telling me this and all. Then of course Matt, Deyra, and Andrea came in. All giggling about you. "He's looking for you, Matt!" "Go dance with him!" Of course that helped, right? I felt like throwing up so I went out front with Sofia to get away from the world. She helped me feel better. Chio and Izzy were later texting me, telling me you were like that to everyone, that Matt is just being Matt. Which he was.

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