Saturday, February 8, 2014


Friday, September 13, 2013

I go through these phases with you.. I always have.

But recently, this phase has been permanent.

I used to wait for you after class ends. I would wait thirty minutes if you needed. I missed two buses for you.
& I didn't mind one bit.

But ever since this fog of depression and rejection hovered over, I decided to not wait for you anymore.

Because it seemed like it didn't make one difference.

and it didn't.

Sure, you sent "Are you okay?" text the first day I decided attempted to move on.
You were in the back room with coach and I slipped out as soon as the bell rang.
I remember I walked so quickly, as if I were running away. As if I was trying to avoid turning back around and walking you to your locker.

I was so upset. I had a huge lump in my throat and my eyes were flooding. I went to the tennis court and put on music so loud it was white noise and I couldn't think and I read a book at the same time just to make you go away inside.

It could only last so long.

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